Crystals for self love

crystals crystals for love pink opal rose quartz

We all want to find love in life, but first we all need to learn to embrace self love, because if we can't love ourselves, its hard to let someone else love you. And of course like everything, there's a crystal for that! 

It's no surprise that pink crystals run the theme of love and here are a few of my favourites- 

The most obvious has to be rose quartz, its the stone of unconditional love, and often the stone people turn to when looking for love, but of course unconditional love also applies to yourself, and rose quartz is the perfect crystal to help you to learn to love yourself no matter what! 

Rhodonite is the stone that steps in when you are intent on pulling yourself down, it pushes away those negative thoughts and helps you to focus on the positive 

Mangano Calcite helps with self confidence and helps to boost your self esteem when you're feeling low, encouraging you to be able to love yourself.

Pink Opal is a great crystal for when you feel lost after a break up, it helps to connect to your inner self, teaching you that you are strong enough to and powerful enough to be independent 

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